Posted on: December 11, 2022 Posted by: gaqxr Comments: 0

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Hi again everypawdy! It’s me, Bella Pomeranian again. This January 24th I am teaming up with my furrends at PetMeds,  Hill’s Pet Nutrition, rescue groups and animal shelters on a national Day to promote pet adoption. Hill’s will pay for the first ten adoptions at each of their 300 partner animal shelters across the country, and the new pet owners will receive some free science diet pet food.  If you know of someone who is ready to add a new four-footed fur child to their family, tell them about this so they can take advantage of the additional help being offered by Hill’s.

In addition to being the PetMed’s TV star and a therapy Dog, I am also the Pombassador of southern California Pomeranian Rescue and attend adoption events several weekends each month. My pawrents are also foster pawrents to Dexter, Phoebe, Toby and SueSue. All four are senior dogs who are more difficult to place than younger dogs are. Last weekend we were all together at a pet store in Lancaster CA for our usual third Sunday. You can view additional photos in my albums at Adoption event on my Facebook page.

January 24th is about changing A Pet’s Life through adoption, and we would all like to be your resource for help and advice. but wait…I know that I have readers who cannot adopt, at least not now but maybe later. In the meantime please know that you CAN help the animals in lots of other ways. call your local animal shelter and ask if they have a “Wish List” of items needed to make life easier for the cats and dogs there. It has been so cold that many of the animals in shelters are in need of sweaters and blankets. If you prefer, you can donate directly to a rescue group. here is a picture of me with a recent donation of clothing made to SCPR by one of my fans, that can be auctioned at a fundraiser:

You can also purchase gift cards from many different pet supply and feed stores. A donation of a gift card is always appreciated!  here is a picture of me with the proceeds of a gift card recently donated and we were able to get an additional $10 coupon because the Purina brand representative was in the store on that day. thanks to this donor there is enough food to feed a lot of Pomeranians for quite a while! :

If you love animals but your scenarios prevent you from adopting, why not volunteer your services to help hold and cuddle them at an adoption event? here is Uncle Dave, who comes to our adoption events and offers his big heart to cuddle a little dog who needed a warm hug. You can help by taking them for a little walk around the store, helping to socialize them by holding and talking to them:

You can find animal shelters and rescues local to you by looking on Facebook or Google. Your local pet supply stores will also know of rescues and shelters and can provide you with telephone numbers to contact. next time you are in a pet store holding an adoption event, throw a dollar into their donations jar. At checkout, say yes you will donate a dollar to the store’s affiliate charity. At the end of this blog you will have a chance to send me a message (in the comments, below), and I would love to hear your suggestions for other ways to help change A Pet’s Life!

Love,  Bella

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