Posted on: January 9, 2023 Posted by: gaqxr Comments: 0

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Dogs may bark for numerous reasons. Barking can be due to territorial issues directed at other animals or humans.  Frustration or anxiety may cause excessive barking, and medical health problems may also contribute to barking in dogs.

It is essential to socialize puppies to as numerous new people and situations as possible. proper training with a good trainer is essential to avoiding unwanted barking. Crate training from puppyhood can decrease dogs’ anxiety when left alone. purchasing or adopting a second canine may decrease departure anxiety and tension vocalization.

Some dogs will also bark for enhanced attention.  It is essential to never reward barking with any type of attention, play, food or affection.  training the canine to a quiet command can be very helpful for controlling undesirable barking.  I recommend first using a stimulus that will cause the canine to bark, and then pair that with a “bark” command.  Dogs that bark on command can then be taught to turn off the barking by removing the stimulus and then saying “hush” or “quiet” just before the barking lets up.

Always give a reward as soon as your canine is quiet.   another method to quiet an already barking canine is to place a treat by the nose of a barking pet.  many dogs will immediately stop barking to sniff the treat.  At the same time, use the word “quiet” or “hush”, and then praise him and give him the treat.  Once repeated over numerous times, this will hopefully stop the unwanted behavior.   Remote leashes and head halters can also be used to disrupt barking. gently pull on the leash to close the dog’s mouth, and coincide that with a verbal command of quiet.  quiet behavior can then be reinforced by releasing the mouth, and then giving a reinforcer such as praise or food if the canine remains quiet.

There are several fantastic exercises described in the book “How to get your canine to Do what you Want” by Warren Eckstein.  This is a very helpful training book that I recommend to all of my clients.


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