Posted on: December 1, 2022 Posted by: gaqxr Comments: 0

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Epilepsy in our pets is defined as the repetitive seizures of unknown origin occurring much more typically in dogs and, to a lesser extent, cats. Seizures can appear as focal muscle twitching and spasms of certain areas of the body, to much more generalized seizures consisting of various levels of loss of consciousness, whole body spasms/trembling, and in some cases loss of bladder or bowel control. Behavioral changes can in some cases be seen including aggression, so animal guardians should be very careful when trying to help or transport their animals to a veterinarian shortly around the time of seizure activity.

There are numerous possible causes of seizure disorders in our animals ranging from easy trauma or toxin exposure or drug/pesticide/vaccine reaction, to much more complex metabolic disorders of the liver, circulatory system, heart and brain. In young toy breeds, numerous of these animals have very low sugar storage capabilities and these puppies are prone to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, which can also result in seizures. some of these breeds may have a circulatory problem where the circulation is shunted around the liver, avoiding the liver from doing its job of filtering poisons and toxins from the blood stream leading to seizures.  This condition called a portosystemic shunt of the liver can be genetic in origin or acquired as an older pet.

Various infectious diseases can in some cases cause seizures from viruses like FelV/FIV and FIP in cats, as well as toxoplasmosis, whereas in dogs various tick-borne infections also can be involved. And of course primary brain disease including various inflammatory disorders of the brain, meningitis and in some animals brain tumors can occur.  In purchase to diagnose these brain conditions it’s often required to do much more technologically advanced tests at a veterinary neurologist or veterinary teaching or university setting, including a CSF tap of the fluid that circulates around the spine and brain as well as an MRI.

All seizuring animals ought to have at least a complete baseline of blood work and urine to include a CBC/blood chemistry profile, Felv/FIV testing in cats, bile acid liver function testing, thyroid profile, and urine analysis.  The additional neurological tests can be done as a second tier of tests in those clients intent on finding out if there is an underlying treatable cause, but these tests are certainly much more expensive at a veterinary neurologist. and while in dogs the large majority of repetitive seizures has no detectable underlying cause (thus the term epilepsy), in cats a thorough diagnostic search, as described above, is much more likely to identify a potentially treatable underlying condition.

It is essential to note that some animals will have one seizure or very rare or mild seizures, that don’t need comprehensive workups or medical treatment.  My own guideline of thumb is that if seizures are not too intense, and not occurring in clusters in a short period of time, and/or occurring at less than once every 4-6 weeks, I will often do the baseline blood work. but I will often choose to monitor the animals to see if the frequency occurs rather than jumping best on anti-epileptic drugs. Once the decision to use anti epileptic drugs is made, it is essential for animal guardians to understand that therapy is typically life long, and that periodic monitoring of blood drug levels and organ function testing is required to avoid (occasionally) toxic side effects especially on the liver. These are also animals that I view very closely if animal guardians decide on using oral or topical pesticides ,and I always try and not challenge their immune systems with too many or unnecessary vaccinations.

The two many common drugs used by veterinarians in controlling chronic epilepsy include prescription Phenobarbitol and Potassium Bromide.  many of the time these drugs either alone or in combination can control seizures in the majority of dogs and cats, but it is essential for animal guardians to realize that even with these drug therapies, many of the time we are taking a look at seizure control and not cure.

In recent years veterinary neurologists have been starting to use newer drugs that in prior times were used only in human medicine, such as a drug called Keppra, Zonisamide, and Gabapentin. These drugs rarely by themselves can control seizures adequately and are often used as what are known as “add on drugs” to either of the first two mentioned above, when Bromide or Phenobarbital alone are not effective in controlling seizure activity.

In all of my seizure clients I always try and support the body with nutritional supplements to help decrease the toxic tension on various organ systems, and in some cases allow us to use lower dosages of the prescription medicines. one of my favorite supplements called Vetri-DMG can not only help lower dosages of seizure medications in some animals, but also helps as an antioxidant, immune system booster, and helps with drug processing and oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, thus making it an vital supplement in my opinion in all epileptic pets. I also try and support the liver, especially those dogs on long term Phenobarbital, with supplements like Denosyl. Proanthozone is also an outstanding antioxidant helpful in all sorts of inflammatory conditions, including epilepsy in my opinion.

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture and Chinese herbs also offer animal guardians nondrug alternatives to help with seizure control.  With our enhancing arsenal of medications, supplements, and alternative therapies, many dogs and cats with seizure disorders can live normal and healthy lives.


Pet Health

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